Class AddressSet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AddressSetView, java.lang.Iterable<AddressRange>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class AddressSet
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements AddressSetView
    Class for storing sets of addresses. This implementation uses a red-black tree where each entry node in the tree stores an address range. The key for an entry node is the minimum address of the range and the value is the maximum address of the range.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet()
        Create a new empty Address Set.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(AddressFactory factory)
        use AddressSet() (will be kept until at least Ghidra 6.2)
        Create a new empty Address Set.
        factory - NOT USED.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(AddressRange range)
        Create a new Address Set from an address range.
        range - the range of addresses to include in this set.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(AddressFactory factory,
                          AddressRange range)
        use AddressSet(AddressRange) (will be kept until at least Ghidra 6.2)
        Create a new Address Set from an address range.
        factory - NOT USED.
        range - the range of addresses to include in this set.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(Address start,
                          Address end)
        Creates a new Address set containing a single range
        start - the start address of the range
        end - the end address of the range
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the start and end addresses are in different spaces. To avoid this, use the constructor AddressSet(Program, Address, Address)
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(AddressFactory factory,
                          Address start,
                          Address end)
        use AddressSet(Address, Address) (will be kept until at least Ghidra 6.2)
        Creates a new Address set containing a single range
        start - the start address of the range
        end - the end address of the range
        addressFactory - NOT USED.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(Program program,
                          Address start,
                          Address end)
        Creates a new Address set containing a single range
        start - the start address of the range
        end - the end address of the range
        program - the program whose AddressFactory is used to resolve address ranges where the start and end are in different address spaces. If you use the constructor with just the start and end address and the addresses are in different spaces, you would get an IllegalArgumentException.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(AddressFactory factory,
                          AddressSetView set)
        use AddressSet(AddressSetView) (will be kept until at least Ghidra 6.2)
        Create a new Address Set from an existing Address Set.
        addrSet - Existing Address Set to clone.
        addressFactory - NOT USED.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(AddressSetView set)
        Create a new Address Set from an existing Address Set.
        addrSet - Existing Address Set to clone.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(AddressFactory factory,
                          Address addr)
        use AddressSet(Address) (will be kept until at least Ghidra 6.2)
        Create a new Address containing a single address.
        addr - the address to be included in this address set.
        addressFactory - NOT USED.
      • AddressSet

        public AddressSet​(Address addr)
        Create a new Address containing a single address.
        addr - the address to be included in this address set.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public final void add​(Address address)
        Adds the given address to this set.
        address - the address to add
      • add

        public final void add​(AddressRange range)
        Add an address range to this set.
        range - the range to add.
      • add

        public void add​(Address start,
                        Address end)
        Adds the range to this set
        start - the start address of the range to add
        end - the end address of the range to add
      • addRange

        public void addRange​(Address start,
                             Address end)
        Adds the range to this set
        start - the start address of the range to add
        end - the end address of the range to add
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the start and end addresses are in different spaces. To avoid this, use the constructor addRange(Program, Address, Address)
      • addRange

        public void addRange​(Program program,
                             Address start,
                             Address end)
        Adds a range of addresses to this set.
        program - program whose AddressFactory is used to resolve address ranges that span multiple address spaces.
        start - the start address of the range to add
        end - the end address of the range to add
      • add

        public final void add​(AddressSetView addressSet)
        Add all addresses of the given AddressSet to this set.
        addressSet - set of addresses to add.
      • delete

        public final void delete​(AddressRange range)
        Deletes an address range from this set.
        range - AddressRange to remove from this set
      • delete

        public final void delete​(Address start,
                                 Address end)
        Deletes a range of addresses from this set
        start - the starting address of the range to be removed
        end - the ending address of the range to be removed
      • deleteRange

        public final void deleteRange​(Address start,
                                      Address end)
        Deletes a range of addresses from this set
        start - the starting address of the range to be removed
        end - the ending address of the range to be removed
      • delete

        public final void delete​(AddressSetView addressSet)
        Delete all addresses in the given AddressSet from this set.
        addressSet - set of addresses to remove from this set.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Removes all addresses from the set.
      • printRanges

        public java.lang.String printRanges()
        Returns a string displaying the ranges in this set.
        a string displaying the ranges in this set.
      • toList

        public java.util.List<AddressRange> toList()
        Returns a list of the AddressRanges in this set.
        a list of the AddressRanges in this set.
      • contains

        public final boolean contains​(Address address)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Test if the address is contained within this set.

        Specified by:
        contains in interface AddressSetView
        address - address to test.
        true if addr exists in the set, false otherwise.
      • contains

        public final boolean contains​(Address start,
                                      Address end)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Test if the given address range is contained in this set.

        Specified by:
        contains in interface AddressSetView
        start - the first address in the range.
        end - the last address in the range.
        true if entire range is contained within the set, false otherwise.
      • contains

        public final boolean contains​(AddressSetView addrSet)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Test if the given address set is a subset of this set.

        Specified by:
        contains in interface AddressSetView
        addrSet - the set to test.
        true if the entire set is contained within this set, false otherwise.
      • hasSameAddresses

        public final boolean hasSameAddresses​(AddressSetView addrSet)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns true if the given address set contains the same set of addresses as this set.
        Specified by:
        hasSameAddresses in interface AddressSetView
        addrSet - the address set to compare.
        true if the given set contains the same addresses as this set.
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(AddressSetView addrSet)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Determine if this address set intersects with the specified address set.
        Specified by:
        intersects in interface AddressSetView
        addrSet - address set to check intersection with.
      • intersectRange

        public final AddressSet intersectRange​(Address start,
                                               Address end)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Computes the intersection of this address set with the given address range. This method does not modify this address set.
        Specified by:
        intersectRange in interface AddressSetView
        start - start of range
        end - end of range
        AddressSet a new address set that contains all addresses that are contained in both this set and the given range.
      • intersect

        public final AddressSet intersect​(AddressSetView addrSet)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Computes the intersection of this address set with the given address set. This method does not modify this address set.
        Specified by:
        intersect in interface AddressSetView
        addrSet - the address set to intersect with.
        AddressSet a new address set that contains all addresses that are contained in both this set and the given set.
      • union

        public final AddressSet union​(AddressSetView addrSet)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Computes the union of this address set with the given address set. This method does not change this address set.
        Specified by:
        union in interface AddressSetView
        addrSet - The address set to be unioned with this address set.
        AddressSet A new address set which contains all the addresses from both this set and the given set.
      • subtract

        public final AddressSet subtract​(AddressSetView addrSet)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Computes the difference of this address set with the given address set (this - set). Note that this is not the same as (set - this). This method does not change this address set.
        Specified by:
        subtract in interface AddressSetView
        addrSet - the set to subtract from this set.
        AddressSet a new address set which contains all the addresses that are in this set, but not in the given set.
      • iterator

        public java.util.Iterator<AddressRange> iterator()
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns an iterator over the address ranges in this address set.
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface AddressSetView
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<AddressRange>
      • iterator

        public java.util.Iterator<AddressRange> iterator​(boolean forward)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns an iterator over the ranges in the specified order
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface AddressSetView
        forward - the ranges are returned from lowest to highest, otherwise from highest to lowest
        an iterator over all the addresse ranges in the set.
      • iterator

        public java.util.Iterator<AddressRange> iterator​(Address start,
                                                         boolean forward)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns an iterator of address ranges starting with the range that contains the given address. If there is no range containing the start address, then the the first range will be the next range greater than the start address if going forward, otherwise the range less than the start address
        Specified by:
        iterator in interface AddressSetView
        start - the address the the first range should contain.
        forward - true iterators forward, false backwards
        the AddressRange iterator
      • getAddressRanges

        public AddressRangeIterator getAddressRanges​(boolean forward)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns an iterator over the ranges in the specified order
        Specified by:
        getAddressRanges in interface AddressSetView
        forward - the ranges are returned from lowest to highest, otherwise from highest to lowest
        an iterator over all the addresse ranges in the set.
      • getAddressRanges

        public AddressRangeIterator getAddressRanges​(Address start,
                                                     boolean forward)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns an iterator of address ranges starting with the range that contains the given address. If there is no range containing the start address, then the the first range will be the next range greater than the start address if going forward, otherwise the range less than the start address
        Specified by:
        getAddressRanges in interface AddressSetView
        start - the address the the first range should contain.
        forward - true iterators forward, false backwards
        the AddressRange iterator
      • getAddresses

        public AddressIterator getAddresses​(boolean forward)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns an iterator over all addresses in this set.
        Specified by:
        getAddresses in interface AddressSetView
        forward - if true the address are return in increasing order, otherwise in decreasing order.
      • getAddresses

        public AddressIterator getAddresses​(Address start,
                                            boolean forward)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns an iterator over the addresses in this address set starting at the start address
        Specified by:
        getAddresses in interface AddressSetView
        start - address to start iterating at in the address set
        forward - if true address are return from lowest to highest, else from highest to lowest
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(Address start,
                                  Address end)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Determine if the start and end range intersects with the specified address set.
        Specified by:
        intersects in interface AddressSetView
        start - start of range
        end - end of range
        true if the given range intersects this address set.
      • xor

        public AddressSet xor​(AddressSetView addrSet)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Computes the exclusive-or of this address set with the given set. This method does not modify this address set.
        Specified by:
        xor in interface AddressSetView
        AddressSet a new address set containing all addresses that are in either this set or the given set, but not in both sets
      • toString

        public final java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getRangeContaining

        public AddressRange getRangeContaining​(Address address)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns the range that contains the given address
        Specified by:
        getRangeContaining in interface AddressSetView
        address - the address for which to find a range.
        the range that contains the given address.
      • getFirstRange

        public AddressRange getFirstRange()
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns the first range in this set or null if the set is empty;
        Specified by:
        getFirstRange in interface AddressSetView
        the first range in this set or null if the set is empty;
      • getLastRange

        public AddressRange getLastRange()
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Returns the last range in this set or null if the set is empty;
        Specified by:
        getLastRange in interface AddressSetView
        the last range in this set or null if the set is empty;
      • findFirstAddressInCommon

        public Address findFirstAddressInCommon​(AddressSetView set)
        Description copied from interface: AddressSetView
        Finds the first address in this collection that is also in the given addressSet.
        Specified by:
        findFirstAddressInCommon in interface AddressSetView
        set - the addressSet to search for the first (lowest) common address.
        the first address that is contained in this set and the given set.