Class AbstractProgramLoader

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String APPLY_LABELS_OPTION_NAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ANCHOR_LABELS_OPTION_NAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractProgramLoader

        public AbstractProgramLoader()
    • Method Detail

      • loadProgram

        protected abstract java.util.List<Program> loadProgram​(ByteProvider provider,
                                                               java.lang.String programName,
                                                               DomainFolder programFolder,
                                                               LoadSpec loadSpec,
                                                               java.util.List<Option> options,
                                                               MessageLog log,
                                                               java.lang.Object consumer,
                                                               TaskMonitor monitor)
        Loads program bytes in a particular format as a new Program. Multiple Programs may end up getting created, depending on the nature of the format.
        provider - The bytes to load.
        programName - The name of the Program that's being loaded.
        programFolder - The DomainFolder where the loaded thing should be saved. Could be null if the thing should not be pre-saved.
        loadSpec - The LoadSpec to use during load.
        options - The load options.
        log - The message log.
        consumer - A consumer object for Programs generated.
        monitor - A cancelable task monitor.
        A list of loaded Programs (element 0 corresponds to primary loaded Program).
        Throws: - if there was an IO-related problem loading.
        CancelledException - if the user cancelled the load.
      • loadProgramInto

        protected abstract boolean loadProgramInto​(ByteProvider provider,
                                                   LoadSpec loadSpec,
                                                   java.util.List<Option> options,
                                                   MessageLog messageLog,
                                                   Program program,
                                                   TaskMonitor monitor,
                                                   MemoryConflictHandler memoryConflictHandler)
        Loads program bytes into the specified Program. This method will not create any new Programs. It is only for adding to an existing Program.

        NOTE: The loading that occurs in this method will automatically be done in a transaction.

        provider - The bytes to load into the Program.
        loadSpec - The LoadSpec to use during load.
        options - The load options.
        messageLog - The message log.
        program - The Program to load into.
        monitor - A cancelable task monitor.
        memoryConflictHandler - How to handle memory conflicts that occur during the load.
        True if the file was successfully loaded; otherwise, false.
        Throws: - if there was an IO-related problem loading.
        CancelledException - if the user cancelled the load.
      • loadInto

        public final boolean loadInto​(ByteProvider provider,
                                      LoadSpec loadSpec,
                                      java.util.List<Option> options,
                                      MessageLog messageLog,
                                      Program program,
                                      TaskMonitor monitor,
                                      MemoryConflictHandler memoryConflictHandler)
        Description copied from interface: Loader
        Loads bytes into the specified Program. This method will not create any new Programs. It is only for adding to an existing Program.
        Specified by:
        loadInto in interface Loader
        provider - The bytes to load into the Program.
        loadSpec - The LoadSpec to use during load.
        options - The load options.
        messageLog - The message log.
        program - The Program to load into.
        monitor - A cancelable task monitor.
        memoryConflictHandler - How to handle memory conflicts that occur during the load.
        True if the file was successfully loaded; otherwise, false.
        Throws: - if there was an IO-related problem loading.
        CancelledException - if the user cancelled the load.
      • getDefaultOptions

        public java.util.List<Option> getDefaultOptions​(ByteProvider provider,
                                                        LoadSpec loadSpec,
                                                        DomainObject domainObject,
                                                        boolean isLoadIntoProgram)
        Description copied from interface: Loader
        Gets the default Loader options.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultOptions in interface Loader
        provider - The bytes of the thing being loaded.
        loadSpec - The LoadSpec.
        domainObject - The DomainObject being loaded.
        isLoadIntoProgram - True if the load is adding to an existing DomainObject; otherwise, false.
        A list of the Loader's default options.
      • validateOptions

        public java.lang.String validateOptions​(ByteProvider provider,
                                                LoadSpec loadSpec,
                                                java.util.List<Option> options)
        Description copied from interface: Loader
        Validates the Loader's options and returns null if all options are valid; otherwise, an error message describing the problem is returned.
        Specified by:
        validateOptions in interface Loader
        provider - The bytes of the thing being loaded.
        loadSpec - The proposed LoadSpec.
        options - The list of Options to validate.
        null if all Options are valid; otherwise, an error message describing the problem is returned.
      • postLoadProgramFixups

        protected void postLoadProgramFixups​(java.util.List<Program> loadedPrograms,
                                             DomainFolder folder,
                                             java.util.List<Option> options,
                                             MessageLog messageLog,
                                             TaskMonitor monitor)
                                      throws CancelledException,
        This gets called after the given list of s is finished loading. It provides subclasses an opportunity to do follow-on actions to the load.
        loadedPrograms - The Programs that got loaded.
        folder - The folder the programs were loaded to.
        options - The load options.
        messageLog - The message log.
        monitor - A cancelable task monitor.
        Throws: - if there was an IO-related problem loading.
        CancelledException - if the user cancelled the load.
      • shouldApplyProcessorLabelsByDefault

        protected boolean shouldApplyProcessorLabelsByDefault()
        Returns whether or not processor labels should be applied by default. Most loaders will not need to override this method because they will not want the labels applied by default.
        Whether or not processor labels should be applied by default.
      • generateBlockName

        protected java.lang.String generateBlockName​(Program program,
                                                     boolean isOverlay,
                                                     AddressSpace space)
        Generates a block name.
        program - The Program for the block.
        isOverlay - true if the block is an overlay; use "ov" in the name.
        space - The AddressSpace for the block.
        The generated block name.
      • createProgram

        protected Program createProgram​(ByteProvider provider,
                                        java.lang.String programName,
                                        Address imageBase,
                                        java.lang.String executableFormatName,
                                        Language language,
                                        CompilerSpec compilerSpec,
                                        java.lang.Object consumer)
        Creates a Program with the specified attributes.
        provider - The bytes that will make up the Program.
        programName - The name of the Program.
        imageBase - The image base address of the Program.
        executableFormatName - The file format name of the Program. Typically this will be the Loader name.
        language - The Language of the Program.
        compilerSpec - The CompilerSpec of the Program.
        consumer - A consumer object for the Program generated.
        The newly created Program.
        Throws: - if there was an IO-related problem with creating the Program.
      • createDefaultMemoryBlocks

        protected void createDefaultMemoryBlocks​(Program program,
                                                 Language language,
                                                 MessageLog log)
        Creates default memory blocks for the given Program.
        program - The Program to create default memory blocks for.
        language - The Programs Language.
        log - The log to use during memory block creation.
      • release

        protected final void release​(java.util.List<? extends DomainObject> domainObjects,
                                     java.lang.Object consumer)
        Releases the given consumer from each of the provided DomainObjects.
        domainObjects - A list of DomainObjects which are no longer being used.
        consumer - The consumer that was marking the DomainObjects as being used.