Class ElfLoadAdapter

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ElfLoadAdapter
    extends java.lang.Object
    ElfLoadAdapter provides the base ELF load adapter implementation which may be extended to facilitate target specific behavior.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ElfLoadAdapter

        public ElfLoadAdapter()
    • Method Detail

      • addDynamicTypes

        public final void addDynamicTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,​ElfDynamicType> dynamicTypeMap)
        Add all extension specific Dynamic table entry types (e.g., DT_ prefix). This method will add all those statically defined ElfDynamicType fields within this class.
        dynamicTypeMap - map to which ElfDynamicType definitions should be added
      • addProgramHeaderTypes

        public final void addProgramHeaderTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,​ElfProgramHeaderType> programHeaderTypeMap)
        Add all extension specific Program Header types (e.g., PT_ prefix). This method will add all those statically defined ElfProgramHeaderType fields within this class.
        programHeaderTypeMap - map to which ElfProgramHeaderType definitions should be added
      • addSectionHeaderTypes

        public final void addSectionHeaderTypes​(java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,​ElfSectionHeaderType> sectionHeaderTypeMap)
        Add all extension specific Section Header types (e.g., SHT_ prefix). This method will add all those statically defined ElfSectionHeaderType fields within this class.
        sectionHeaderTypeMap - map to which ElfSectionHeaderType definitions should be added
      • getPreferredSegmentAddressSpace

        public AddressSpace getPreferredSegmentAddressSpace​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper,
                                                            ElfProgramHeader elfProgramHeader)
        Get the preferred load address space for a program segment
        elfLoadHelper - load helper object
        elfProgramHeader - elf program segment header
        preferred load address space or null to use default behavior
      • getDefaultAlignment

        public int getDefaultAlignment​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper)
        Get the default alignment within the default address space.
        load - helper object
        default alignment within the default address space.
      • getPreferredSectionAddressSpace

        public AddressSpace getPreferredSectionAddressSpace​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper,
                                                            ElfSectionHeader elfSectionHeader)
        Get the preferred load address space for an allocated section.
        elfLoadHelper - load helper object
        elfSectionHeader - elf section header
        preferred load address space or null to use default behavior
      • canHandle

        public boolean canHandle​(ElfHeader elf)
        Check if this extension can handle the specified elf header. If this method returns true, this extension will be used to obtain extended types definitions and to perform additional load processing.
        elf - elf header
        true if this extension should be used when loading the elf image which corresponds to the specified header.
      • canHandle

        public boolean canHandle​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper)
        Check if this extension can handle the specified elf image. This method can provide a more accurate check based upon the actual language utilized. While the ELF header may have stipulated a specific processor via the machine-id, a completely different and incompatible language may have been used.
        elf - elf header
        true if this extension can properly support the ELF header and the current program/language.
      • getDataTypeSuffix

        public java.lang.String getDataTypeSuffix()
        Return the data type naming suffix which should be used when creating types derived from data supplied by this extension.
        type naming suffix or null
      • processElf

        public void processElf​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper,
                               TaskMonitor monitor)
                        throws CancelledException
        Perform extension specific processing of Elf image during program load. The following loading steps will have already been completed:
         1. default processing of all program headers and section headers
         2. memory resolution and loading of all program headers and section headers
         3. Markup completed of Elf header, program headers, section headers, dynamic table,
            string tables, and symbol tables.
        Markup and application of relocation tables will NOT have been done yet.
        elfLoadHelper - load helper object
        monitor -
      • processGotPlt

        public void processGotPlt​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper,
                                  TaskMonitor monitor)
                           throws CancelledException
        Perform extension specific processing of Elf GOT/PLT tables and any other related function relocation mechanism (e.g., function descriptors, etc) after normal REL/RELA relocation fix-ups have been applied.
        elfLoadHelper - load helper object
        monitor -
      • creatingFunction

        public Address creatingFunction​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper,
                                        Address functionAddress)
        Prior to the ELF loader creating a function this method will be invoked to permit an extension to adjust the address and/or apply context to the intended location.
        elfLoadHelper - load helper object
        functionAddress - function address
        adjusted function address (required)
      • evaluateElfSymbol

        public Address evaluateElfSymbol​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper,
                                         ElfSymbol elfSymbol,
                                         Address address,
                                         boolean isExternal)
        During symbol processing this method will be invoked to permit an extension to adjust the address and/or apply context to the intended symbol location.
        elfLoadHelper - load helper object
        elfSymbol - elf symbol
        address - program memory address where symbol will be created
        isExternal - true if symbol treated as external to the program and has been assigned a fake memory address in the EXTERNAL memory block.
        adjusted symbol address or null if extension will handle applying the elfSymbol to the program (must also invoke ElfLoadHelper.setElfSymbolAddress(ElfSymbol, Address), or symbol should not be applied.
      • isSegmentWritable

        public java.lang.Boolean isSegmentWritable​(ElfProgramHeader segment)
        Get the write permission for the specified segment.
        segment - program header object
        true if write enabled, else false or null to use standard Elf program header flags to make the determination.
      • isSegmentReadable

        public java.lang.Boolean isSegmentReadable​(ElfProgramHeader segment)
        Get the read permission for the specified segment.
        segment - program header object
        true if read enabled, else false or null to use standard Elf program header flags to make the determination.
      • isSegmentExecutable

        public java.lang.Boolean isSegmentExecutable​(ElfProgramHeader segment)
        Get the execute permission for the specified segment.
        segment - program header object
        true if execute enabled, else false or null to use standard Elf program header flags to make the determination.
      • isSectionWritable

        public java.lang.Boolean isSectionWritable​(ElfSectionHeader section)
        Get the write permission for the specified section.
        section - section header object
        true if write enabled, else false or null to use standard Elf section flags to make the determination.
      • isSectionExecutable

        public java.lang.Boolean isSectionExecutable​(ElfSectionHeader section)
        Get the execute permission for the specified section (i.e., instructions permitted).
        section - section header object
        true if execute enabled, else false or null to use standard Elf section flags to make the determination.
      • isSectionAllocated

        public java.lang.Boolean isSectionAllocated​(ElfSectionHeader section)
        Determine if the specified section is "allocated" within memory.
        section - section header object
        true if section should be allocated, else false or null to use standard Elf section flags to make the determination.
      • getAdjustedLoadSize

        public long getAdjustedLoadSize​(ElfProgramHeader elfProgramHeader)
        Return the memory bytes to be loaded from the underlying file for the specified program header. The returned value will be consistent with any byte filtering which may be required.
        elfProgramHeader -
        preferred memory block size in bytes which corresponds to the specified program header
      • getAdjustedMemorySize

        public long getAdjustedMemorySize​(ElfProgramHeader elfProgramHeader)
        Return the memory segment size in bytes for the specified program header. The returned value will be consistent with any byte filtering which may be required.
        elfProgramHeader -
        preferred memory block size in bytes which corresponds to the specified program header
      • getLinkageBlockAlignment

        public int getLinkageBlockAlignment()
        Get the dynamic memory block allocation alignment as addressable units within the default memory space.
        dynamic memory block allocation alignment.
      • getPreferredExternalBlockSize

        public int getPreferredExternalBlockSize()
        Get the preferred free range size for the EXTERNAL memory block as addressable units within the default memory space.
        minimum free range size for EXTERNAL memory block as addressable units
      • getExternalBlockReserveSize

        public int getExternalBlockReserveSize()
        Get reserve size of the EXTERNAL memory block as addressable units within the default memory space. This size represents the largest expansion size to the block which could occur during relocation processing.
        reserve size of the EXTERNAL memory block as addressable units
      • getAdjustedSize

        public long getAdjustedSize​(ElfSectionHeader section)
        Return the memory section size in bytes for the specified section header. The returned value will be consistent with any byte filtering which may be required.
        ElfSectionHeader -
        preferred memory block size in bytes which corresponds to the specified section header
      • getFilteredLoadInputStream

        public getFilteredLoadInputStream​(ElfLoadHelper elfLoadHelper,
                                                              MemoryLoadable loadable,
                                                              Address start,
                                                              long dataLength,
        Return filtered InputStream for loading a memory block (includes non-loaded OTHER blocks).
        elfLoadHelper -
        loadable - Corresponding ElfSectionHeader or ElfProgramHeader for the memory block to be created.
        start - memory load address
        dataLength - the in-memory data length in bytes (actual bytes read from dataInput may be more)
        dataInput - the source input stream
        filtered input stream or original input stream
      • getRelocationClass

        public java.lang.Class<? extends ElfRelocation> getRelocationClass​(ElfHeader elfHeader)
        Get the ElfRelocation class which should be used to properly parse the relocation tables.
        elfHeader - ELF header object (for header field access only)
        ElfRelocation class or null for default behavior